Kaushal Samachar

Jan 2018, Issue 1


Skill India

      The more we give importance to Skill Development,
                                   The more competent will be our YOUTH!!


From the Director General's Desk

Happy New Year - 2018

If the 20th century was about inventions, the 21st century is about innovations.

Inventions in the 20th century ushered in industrial revolution and rapid urban development. The impact of industrial revolution on rural life and livelihoods across the world, was irreversible. We were reaching a tipping point at the turn of the 20th century when information technology held the world in the palm of its hand. Amidst all these developments, skill gaps began to widen to such an extent that our youth, including the educated ones, could not meet the growing demand for skilled hands in various sectors, including agriculture. The lesser lucky ones who missed out the formal education have further compounded skill deficit. Our current efforts to “Skill India” through various initiatives including DDU-GKY is a step in time to reduce yawning skill gaps in the country.

We are now living in an era of innovations and entrepreneurship. There is an urgent need to build our synergies, accelerate and leverage technology and innovation for meeting the needs of rural India. It is only when rural India truly engages with technological innovations and skilling efforts, while preserving its core, we can proudly say that development has taken place in its true sense.

This monthly newsletter from NIRDPR DDU-GKY is an effort to feature various efforts and R&D in the space of skilling, skill training, entrepreneurship and rural innovations already apace and to build synergies among all of us who are committed to this cause.

Do join us in this new year, 2018, to skill the rural youth, disseminate the information and share your contributions with us.

I wish you all a very happy New Year 2018.

All the best,
W R Reddy, IAS
Director General, NIRD PR


DDU-GKY introduces virtual classes
DDU-GKY Training in association with MIS team launched its first two thematic virtual classes on e-SOP and MPR on 17 and 18 January. A total of 52 participants attended the online training. In order to meet the demand, starting February, these sessions will be conducted on a fornightly basis. The sessions are open to SRLM officials and PIAs. Each virtual session will have a capacity of 30 participants. Registrations will be confirmed on a First Come First Serve basis. To register, please access the link on the February calendar.

Kaushal Praveen: Training of Trainers for PIAs Launched
Kaushal Praveen, the basic level TOT for trainers on training methodology in skilling was piloted with two batches of PIA trainers in December and January. Kaushal praveen is not a one time training event. It is an end to end development program for trainers that include continuous live observations, mentoring and accreditation by a dedicated team of master trainers, and trainer residencies. The roll out discussions with states have commenced. For details write to trainingddugky.nird@gmail.com.

Techno Quest

Compressed Stabilized Earth blocks : An initiative of Rural Technical Park, NIRDPR

Use of Compressed Stabilized Earth blocks for building walls is a popular technique adopted in the affordable and sustainable building technology. The compressed earth blocks are produced primarily using locally available soil along with small quantities of cement and sand. However, the roofing and floor tiles required for house have to be procured from industries which produce them using conventional energy intensive materials and processes. Also, the roof and floor tiles available in the market are expensive, and there is also an additional cost involved in transportation as well.

Considering these factors, NIRDPR has developed “Compressed Stabilized Earth Tiles” which can be made right at the construction site using locally available earth and employing simple hand operated compression machines. Initial trials have shown very promising results in developing roof tiles which can be used as filler material for concrete roof slabs which is popularly promoted by the famous architect Laurie Baker. The tests also shows that the process can be adopted for producing floor tiles and paver blocks for outdoor pathways.

The advantage of the process is that a common man can produce all the important construction materials required for a house such as bricks, roof tiles and floor tiles right at his door step at low cost. Use of locally available earth and a simple hand operated compression machine makes the entire process cost effective and environmental friendly.


PIA Innovations

Jagatri Foundation, Hyderabad has established an R&D Lab for DDUGKY Candidates. The candidates have introduced an "DIGITAL ASU YANTRA Controller" for weaving Sarees

No one needs an introduction to traditional silk sarees. The beauty of the saree often masks the pain behind making those. The process called asu, an important intermediate step to wind the thread around pegs arranged in a semi-circle about 9,000 times for one saree. This is a very tedious process and involves two and fro moving of the hand thousands of times which sometimes takes more than a day. Due to low margins the weaver or his family members do this themselves than hiring someone else resulting in pain and muscle tear.

To overcome this issue, DDUGKY trainees have introduced a Asu Yantra Controller. User needs to place bundle of yarn bundle on the specified place, put the thread from the primary spoke to secondary spokes (other side) manually and the machine is switched on, the machine follows the sequence and completes the task automatically without human intervention. The automatic machine takes 1.5 hours for a saree

The “DIGITAL ASU YANTRA” Controller has many merits compared to the existing solutions in market.

  1. The number of threads on each peg can be digitally tuned

  2. Digital sensors send an alarm when the thread is damaged. Existing market solution has mechanical switches which cannot send an alarm

  3. Misalignment of thread is avoided by winding it in “8“ shape than rectangular in existing market solution.

  4. The proposed design has two modes whereas the existing market solution has only one mode. The one mode does the winding from one end to other end and then reverse winds to reach the original starting point. In our design using digital switch we can configure the winding to start any point.

To contribute to this newsletter on rural technical innovations, emerging sectors & trades, new trends in skilling & training, please write to training.ddugky nird@gmail.com



Kaushal Praveen first batch

Group Discussion by participants in Kaushal Praveen

Kaushal Praveen participants at observation

Candidates at Job Mela

Mobilization Process

Candidates at OJT

SMO lab

Cultural activite by Candidates

Candidates at Domain Lab